All You Need to Know: MCAT Solutions and Gases

All You Need to Know: MCAT Solutions and Gases


The MCAT, the entrance exam for aspiring medical professionals, demands a strong foundation in various scientific disciplines, including chemistry. Among these, understanding solutions and gases plays a crucial role in the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section. Mastering these concepts equips you to tackle problems related to:

  • Biochemical reactions: Many biological processes occur in aqueous environments (solutions) and involve the interaction of various molecules.
  • Physiological phenomena: Gas exchange in the lungs, blood pressure regulation, and cellular respiration are all examples of processes that rely on an understanding of gas behavior.
  • Pharmacology: Drug delivery and action often depend on the properties of solutions and gas interactions with biological systems.

This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with a thorough understanding of key concepts, problem-solving strategies, and high-yield terms related to solutions and gases in the context of the MCAT.

Throughout this article, we will delve into:

  • The fundamentals of solubility and how it governs the behavior of solutes in solutions.
  • Different concentration units quantify the amount of solute present in a solution.
  • Colligative properties and their influence on solutions, relevant to various biological processes.
  • The ideal gas law and its derivatives, allow you to analyze the behavior of gases under various conditions.
  • Solubility equilibria and their role in understanding the dynamic nature of solutions.
  • The common ion effect and its implications for predicting the solubility of ionic compounds.

By comprehensively exploring these topics and engaging with practice problems, you will gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to excel in the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section and approach the MCAT with a strong foundation in solutions and gases.

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Understanding Solubility and Its Applications in the MCAT

Overview of Solubility and its Relevance in MCAT

The MCAT frequently assesses your understanding of solubility, which refers to the ability of a substance (solute) to dissolve in another substance (solvent) to form a homogeneous mixture (solution). Knowing the principles of solubility is crucial for interpreting various biological and chemical phenomena relevant to the exam.

Understanding Solubility Rules

Predicting the solubility of ionic compounds is a key skill tested on the MCAT. Fortunately, there are established solubility rules that provide guidelines based on the cation (positive ion) and anion (negative ion) of the compound. These rules help you quickly identify:

  • Soluble ionic compounds: These compounds readily dissolve in water to form clear solutions.
  • Insoluble ionic compounds: These compounds have limited solubility in water and form precipitates (solids that settle out of the solution).

By memorizing and understanding these rules, you can efficiently predict the solubility of various ionic compounds encountered on the MCAT.

Concentration Units: Exploring Different Units Used to Express Concentration

Quantifying the amount of solute dissolved in a solution is essential for various applications. The MCAT often involves problems requiring you to understand and utilize different concentration units:

  • Molarity (M): This unit expresses the moles of solute per liter of solution. It tells you how many moles of a substance are dissolved in one liter of the solution.
  • Molality (m): This unit expresses the moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Unlike molarity, which depends on the total solution volume, molality focuses on the concentration of the solute relative to the pure solvent, making it less susceptible to temperature changes.
  • Normality (N): This older unit, less commonly used today, expresses the equivalents of solute per liter of solution. Equivalents are a concept related to the reaction stoichiometry of the solute, which won’t be covered in detail here.

Understanding these units and their applications is crucial for interpreting data and solving problems related to solutions on the MCAT.

Colligative Properties: How Solute Concentration Affects Physical Properties of Solutions

Colligative properties are a group of solution properties that depend solely on the number of solute particles present, not the identity of the particles themselves. In simpler terms, the more solute particles you have dissolved in a solution, the more pronounced these colligative effects become. Some key colligative properties tested on the MCAT include:

  • Boiling point elevation: Adding a solute increases the boiling point of the solution compared to the pure solvent.
  • Freezing point depression: Adding a solute lowers the freezing point of the solution compared to the pure solvent.
  • Osmotic pressure: This property arises when two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane, allowing solvent molecules but not solute particles to pass through. Understanding the principles of osmotic pressure is crucial for interpreting various biological phenomena, such as fluid balance in cells.

Grasping these concepts and their connection to concentration units is essential for tackling MCAT problems involving solutions and their properties.


Solubility Equilibria and Reactions

While the previous section explored the fundamentals of solubility, the MCAT often delves deeper into specific phenomena related to solubility and reactions. Here, we explore two key concepts and their applications:

Common Ion Effect: Examining the Impact of Shared Ions on Solubility

The common ion effect describes how the presence of a common ion (an ion shared by both the solute and another added substance) can suppress the solubility of the original solute. Imagine adding salt (NaCl) to a saturated solution of silver chloride (AgCl). Both NaCl and AgCl share the chloride ion (Cl-). Adding more Cl- ions from the salt disrupts the equilibrium between dissolved and undissolved AgCl particles, causing some AgCl to precipitate out of the solution to maintain equilibrium.

Understanding the common ion effect is crucial for solving MCAT problems involving:

  • Predicting changes in solubility upon adding solutions containing common ions.
  • Explaining how buffers work to maintain a stable pH by resisting changes in hydrogen ion concentration (H+).

Solubility Equilibria: Understanding the Equilibrium Between Dissolved and Undissolved Solutes

When an ionic compound dissolves in water, it reaches a state of equilibrium where the rate of dissolving (dissolving) equals the rate of precipitation (coming out of solution). This equilibrium can be represented by a chemical equation showing the dissolved ions and their corresponding concentrations.

Understanding solubility equilibria is essential for:

  • Interpreting solubility product constants (Ksp), which quantify the equilibrium constant for a specific ionic compound dissolving in water.
  • Predicting the direction of equilibrium shift (dissolving or precipitation) based on concentration changes.

Application of Solubility Concepts to MCAT Scenarios

The concepts of common ion effect and solubility equilibria are frequently applied to various MCAT scenarios, such as:

  • Predicting the effect of adding electrolytes (ionic compounds) on the solubility of other ionic compounds.
  • Explaining the role of solubility equilibria in biological processes, such as the formation of kidney stones or the regulation of blood calcium levels.

By mastering these advanced concepts, you can strengthen your understanding of solubility and confidently tackle MCAT problems involving reactions and equilibria. Remember to utilize official MCAT resources and practice problems to solidify your knowledge and apply these concepts to real-world scenarios.

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Exploring MCAT Gas Law Equations

While understanding the behavior of gases can seem complex, the MCAT relies on a few key gas laws and their applications. This section delves into the fundamental equations governing gases and how they are used to solve MCAT-style problems.

Ideal Gas Law: Introducing the Fundamental Equation and its Components

The ideal gas law is a cornerstone for understanding the behavior of ideal gases (gases that closely follow certain assumptions, such as negligible particle size and interactions). This single equation relates four crucial variables:

  • Pressure (P): Measured in units like atmospheres (atm) or Pascals (Pa)
  • Volume (V): Measured in units like liters (L) or milliliters (mL)
  • Temperature (T): Measured in Kelvin (K)
  • Number of moles (n): Represents the quantity of gas particles

The ideal gas law is expressed as:

PV = nRT

where R is the ideal gas constant, a constant value that converts between pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles. Understanding the relationship between these variables and their units is crucial for solving MCAT problems involving gases.

Ideal Gas Law Derivatives: Exploring Variations and Applications

The ideal gas law can be rearranged to derive other gas laws that focus on specific relationships between the variables. Knowing these derivatives allows you to approach problems from different perspectives:

  • Boyle’s Law: This law states that at constant temperature (T), the pressure (P) of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume (V). In simpler terms, if you squeeze a gas sample (decrease V), its pressure will increase, and vice versa (keeping temperature constant).
  • Charles’ Law: This law states that at constant pressure (P), the volume (V) of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T). As the temperature increases, the gas expands and its volume increases, and vice versa (keeping pressure constant).
  • Gay-Lussac’s Law: This law states that at constant volume (V), the pressure (P) of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature (T). In simpler terms, if you heat a gas in a sealed container (constant volume), its pressure will increase, and vice versa.

Understanding these derivatives and how they relate to the ideal gas law equips you to tackle various MCAT problems involving changes in pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of gas.

Partial Pressure: Understanding the Concept and its Role in Gas Mixtures

In real-world scenarios, you often encounter gas mixtures containing different individual gases. Partial pressure refers to the pressure exerted by an individual gas in a mixture, as if it were the only gas present and occupying the entire volume.

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures states that the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of its individual components. This concept is crucial for:

  • Analyzing the behavior of gas mixtures in various scenarios, such as gas chromatography (a technique used to separate and identify components of a mixture).
  • Understanding how changes in the composition of a gas mixture can affect the total pressure.

By mastering these gas law concepts and their applications, you can confidently approach MCAT problems involving the behavior of gases in various contexts. Remember to practice applying these concepts to different scenarios to solidify your understanding and exam readiness.


High-Yield Terms for MCAT Solutions and Gases

Succeeding on the MCAT requires not only understanding core concepts but also familiarity with key terminology used in the exam. This section highlights some high-yield terms related to solutions and gases that you should be comfortable with:

Key Terms and Concepts Crucial for MCAT Success:

  • Standard temperature and pressure (STP): Defined as 0°C (273.15 K) and 1 atm, STP serves as a reference point for gas law calculations.
  • Ideal gas constant (R): This constant value appears in the ideal gas law equation and relates pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of moles of gas.
  • Molarity (M): Represents the moles of solute per liter of solution, a crucial unit for quantifying concentration in solutions.
  • Molality (m): Represents the moles of solute per kilogram of solvent, useful for concentration calculations when dealing with solutions that change volume upon temperature changes.
  • Solubility product constant (Ksp): This equilibrium constant quantifies the solubility of a specific ionic compound and is helpful for predicting precipitation and dissolution phenomena.
  • Colligative properties: These properties of solutions depend solely on the number of solute particles, not their identity, and include boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, and osmotic pressure.
  • Partial pressure: Refers to the pressure exerted by an individual gas in a mixture, as if it were the only gas present.

The Importance of These Terms in Solving MCAT Problems:

These terms are not just isolated vocabulary; they represent fundamental concepts that form the basis of numerous MCAT problems. By understanding these terms and their applications, you can:

  • Interpret data and problem statements: Recognizing key terms in the context of a problem allows you to identify the relevant concepts and apply the appropriate equations or principles.
  • Choose the correct answer choice: Familiarity with the terminology ensures you can distinguish between similar concepts and select the most accurate answer based on the information presented.
  • Solve problems efficiently: Understanding the meaning and implications of these terms allows you to approach problems strategically and avoid unnecessary confusion.

Remember, consistently reinforcing your understanding of these high-yield terms through active learning and practice will significantly enhance your confidence and problem-solving skills on the MCAT. Utilize official MCAT resources and practice problems to solidify your understanding and ensure you are well-equipped to tackle exam questions involving solutions and gases.


MCAT Solutions and Gases Passage-Based Questions and Answers

The MCAT frequently presents passage-based questions that require applying your knowledge of solutions and gases to real-world scenarios. This section provides practice with such questions and in-depth explanations to solidify your understanding.

Practice Scenarios Involving Solutions and Gases:

Scenario 1: A patient suffering from kidney stones is undergoing dialysis. The dialysis solution is prepared with a specific concentration of electrolytes to match the patient’s blood. Explain why maintaining the correct concentration of electrolytes in the dialysis solution is crucial.

Scenario 2: A closed container initially holds 2 moles of helium gas at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. The temperature is then increased to 75°C while the volume remains constant. What is the final pressure of the gas?

Step-by-Step Analysis of Passage-Based Questions:

Scenario 1 Analysis:

  1. Identify the relevant concept: This scenario involves maintaining a specific concentration of solutes (electrolytes) in a solution (dialysis solution).
  2. Apply knowledge: Remember that colligative properties, like osmotic pressure, depend on the concentration of solutes. If the concentration of electrolytes in the dialysis solution differs significantly from the patient’s blood, it can cause a dangerous imbalance in fluid movement across cell membranes.
  3. Formulate an answer: Maintaining the correct concentration of electrolytes helps ensure osmotic equilibrium between the patient’s blood and the dialysis solution, preventing unwanted fluid shifts that could harm the patient.

Detailed Answers and Explanations:

Scenario 1 Answer: Maintaining the correct concentration of electrolytes in the dialysis solution is crucial to prevent disruption of osmotic equilibrium between the patient’s blood and the dialysis solution. This imbalance can lead to:

  • Fluid shifts: If the concentration in the dialysis solution is too high, water can be drawn out of the patient’s cells, leading to dehydration and cell shrinkage. If it’s too low, water can flow into the cells, causing them to swell and potentially burst.
  • Electrolyte imbalances: Disruptions in electrolyte concentration can disrupt various physiological processes, affecting nerve and muscle function, heart rhythm, and blood pressure.

Scenario 2 Answer: We can use the ideal gas law (PV = nRT) to solve this problem. Since volume (V) and the number of moles (n) remain constant, we can rewrite the equation as P₁T₁ = P₂T₂ (where P₁ and T₁ are the initial pressure and temperature, and P₂ and T₂ are the final pressure and temperature).

Plugging in the known values:

  • P₁ = 1 atm
  • T₁ = 25°C + 273.15 K = 298.15 K
  • T₂ = 75°C + 273.15 K = 348.15 K

Solving for P₂:

P₂ = (P₁ × T₂) / T₁

P₂ = (1 atm × 348.15 K) / 298.15 K

P₂ ≈ 1.17 atm

Therefore, the final pressure of the gas is approximately 1.17 atm.

By actively engaging with practice scenarios and understanding the thought process behind each answer, you can develop your problem-solving skills and approach similar questions on the MCAT with confidence. Remember, consistent practice and review are key to mastering these concepts and excelling on the exam.


Standalone MCAT Solutions and Gases Questions and Answers

This section offers standalone practice questions to test your understanding of solutions and gases beyond the passage-based scenarios. Accompanying each question are detailed explanations to solidify your learning and provide insights into effective MCAT problem-solving strategies.

Standalone Questions:

  1. A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.2 moles of table sugar (C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁) in 500 mL of water. What is the molarity (M) of the solution?
  2. A gas sample initially occupies 2.0 L at a pressure of 3.0 atm and a temperature of 300 K. If the pressure is increased to 4.5 atm while the temperature remains constant, what is the final volume of the gas?
  3. When sodium chloride (NaCl) is added to a saturated solution of silver chloride (AgCl), what happens to the solubility of AgCl?

Solutions and Explanations:

  1. Solution:
  • Molarity (M) = moles of solute / liters of solution
  • M = 0.2 mol / 0.5 L = 0.4 M


This question tests your understanding of the concentration unit molarity and its formula. Remember to convert the volume from milliliters (mL) to liters (L) for consistency with the unit of molarity.

  1. Solution:
  • We can use Boyle’s Law: P₁V₁ = P₂V₂ (where P₁ and V₁ are the initial pressure and volume, and P₂ and V₂ are the final pressure and volume)
  • Since temperature remains constant, T₁ = T₂ and the equation simplifies to P₁V₁ = P₂V₂


This question assesses your ability to apply Boyle’s Law to relate changes in pressure and volume for a gas at constant temperature.

  1. Solution:
  • Adding a common ion (Cl- in this case) from NaCl to a saturated solution of AgCl will suppress the solubility of AgCl due to the common ion effect. This means more AgCl will precipitate out of the solution.


This question tests your knowledge of the common ion effect and its impact on the solubility of ionic compounds.

Tips on Effective Problem-Solving Strategies:

  • Identify the relevant concept: Analyze the question and determine the key concept or principle being tested (e.g., molarity, ideal gas law, common ion effect).
  • Formulate a plan: Based on the identified concept, choose the appropriate formula, equation, or approach to solve the problem.
  • Show your work: Clearly write down the steps you take to reach the solution, including any relevant formulas and calculations.
  • Check your answer: Ensure your answer is consistent with the units and the context of the question. Utilize the answer explanations to verify your understanding and identify any errors in your reasoning.

By actively engaging with practice questions and applying these problem-solving strategies, you can strengthen your foundation in solutions and gases and approach MCAT questions with greater confidence and clarity. Remember, continuous practice and review are crucial for success on the exam.



This comprehensive guide has delved into the fundamental concepts of solutions and gases, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to tackle these topics on the MCAT. Let’s recap some key takeaways:

  • Master the fundamentals: Grasp the core principles related to solubility, concentration units, gas laws, and their applications.
  • Practice diverse question types: Engage with both passage-based and standalone questions to hone your problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.
  • Solidify your understanding: Actively review explanations, identify areas for improvement, and seek additional resources if needed.

Remember, the MCAT tests your ability to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios. By consistently practicing and refining your understanding of solutions and gases, you will be well-positioned to approach these topics with confidence and excel on the exam.

Beyond this article, continue your journey by:

  • Utilizing official MCAT resources and practice tests provided by the AAMC.
  • Consulting relevant textbooks and online resources for in-depth explanations and practice problems.
  • Seeking guidance from qualified tutors or mentors who can provide personalized feedback and support.

Mastering solutions and gases on the MCAT is a process of continuous learning and practice. Embrace the challenge, stay curious, and remember that with dedication and perseverance, you can achieve your goals. You can always contact Jack Westin’s team of academic consultants for more tailor-made advice during your MCAT prep journey. Make sure to check out our website for affordable MCAT online courses, tutoring options, free weekly sessions, practice questions, and more!

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