Do YOU Need an MCAT CARS Tutor?

The MCAT’s Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) can be an obstacle for many medical students. The fact that only 30% of test-takers score 127 or higher shows that performing great in this section requires a specific type of preparation. 

With the right strategies and support, students can achieve their expected results in the CARS section. This blog explores how personalized tutoring and expert assistance help you receive the scores you deserve.

Let’s get started!

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Why CARS Matters for Medical School Admissions

The CARS section of the MCAT indicates your future success as a physician. When it comes to medical school applications, admission committees significantly value your CARS score because it reflects your ability to think critically, analyze complex information, and make logical decisions based on facts and evidence.

Research by the AAMC shows a strong correlation between higher MCAT scores, including CARS, and better performance in medical school. These results were even more evident during the first two years of the program and on critical exams like the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK.

Moreover, admissions experts emphasize that in some cases CARS predicts students’ potential and performance in medical school even more than the science sections. This is because the skills tested in CARS directly evaluate students’ abilities to overcome the challenges students will face in their medical training and career. If you’re targeting a top program, mastering CARS is a must do for you.


The Challenge of the CARS Section

Complexity and Skills Tested

Unlike other MCAT sections focused on factual recall, CARS tests your ability to:

  • Complex passages interpretation.
  • Details and subtle nuances understanding.
  • Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis.

Instead of assessing what you know, this section evaluates how you think, which is why admission committees find it highly valuable.

Importance for Medical School Admissions

  • CARS performance resembles the critical thinking and decision-making skills required in medical school and medical practice.
  • Strong CARS scores are linked to better performance in medical school, especially during the first two years and on crucial exams like the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2​.

Real-World Relevance

  • Medical practice often involves validating complex information and making informed decisions under pressure. These skills are directly assessed by CARS.
  • Practical application makes CARS a significant focus for admissions committees since it illustrates students’ potential to excel in medical training. 

Impact on Admissions Decisions

  • Some medical schools, particularly in Canada, place significant weight on CARS scores, sometimes even more than other MCAT sections​.
  • A strong CARS score can be a key differentiator and be valued as a competitive advantage for candidates in the borderline of acceptance or rejection.

Consistent improvement is a major struggle in CARS while excelling in this section is essential for standing out in a competitive applicant pool.

Read More: Jack Westin’s Guide to MCAT CARS

Self-Assessment: Do You Need a CARS Tutor?

Signs You Might Need Help

As you prepare for the MCAT, have you ever wondered if you can maximize your potential in the CARS section? This part of the exam is very challenging. Even the most hard-working students can find themselves hitting a wall. Here are some signs that you might benefit from working with a CARS tutor:

Consistent Low Scores: Are your practice test scores in CARS constantly lower than your target, usually below a 125 when aiming for a 127 or higher? 

This could indicate deeper issues with comprehension which could be solved with expert strategies. One student I worked with saw a 3-point increase after just a few sessions focused on breaking down passages more effectively.

Difficulty Understanding Passages: CARS passages are often filled with subtle nuances and unfamiliar topics that can leave you feeling lost. You’re not alone if you regularly struggle to perceive the main ideas, identify the author’s tone, or understand the passage structure, you’re not alone.

An expert targeted guidance helps you develop the critical reading and analytical skills needed to tackle even the most complex texts with confidence.

Time Management Problems: Do you find yourself running out of time during the CARS section and being unable to complete all the questions in time? 

This is a common issue, often caused by spending too much time on individual passages or feeling overwhelmed under pressure. A tutor can teach you how to manage your time more effectively and ensure that you have the confidence and ability to complete all questions in time.

Lack of Improvement: Perhaps the most frustrating sign is when you see no improvements in your scores despite your consistent practice. You are practicing as hard as you can, but the results are not reflecting your effort.

If you’ve been stuck at the same score for weeks, a tutor can help you break through it by identifying what is going wrong both in your practice and at your exam. One of my students was able to increase his scores from 123 to a 128 in just a month with focused tutoring sessions.

Recognizing these signs in MCAT preparation can save you time and reduce your stress. Therefore, if these challenges sound familiar, it might be time for you to consider having a CARS tutor to help you reach your full potential and hit your target score. Remember, you don’t have to tackle this on your own. Make sure you are not wasting time struggling with issues on your own.

Read More: Jack Westin’s Best MCAT CARS Strategies

Self-Reflection Quiz: Are You Ready for CARS?

This quiz will help you assess how ready you are for the CARS section of the MCAT. For each question, choose the answer that best reflects your experience. At the end, add your points to see where you stand.

1. How do you usually score on CARS practice tests?

  • A) I consistently score at or above my target. (3 points)
  • B) I sometimes hit my target, but they often fluctuate. (2 points)
  • C) I consistently score below my target. (1 point)

2. When reading CARS passages, do you often find yourself:

  • A) Easily realizing the main idea and author’s tone? (3 points)
  • B) Understanding the main idea, but struggling with details and nuances? (2 points)
  • C) Frequently re-reading passages and still feeling confused? (1 point)

3. How do you feel about the variety of topics covered in CARS passages?

  • A) Comfortable and adaptable, regardless of subjects. (3 points)
  • B) Comfortable with some topics but not all subjects. (2 points)
  • C) Uncomfortable with most topics, especially those outside my field. (1 point)

4. How well do you manage your time during CARS practice sections?

  • A) I usually have extra time to review my answers. (3 points)
  • B) I often finish on time, but I feel rushed. (2 points)
  • C) I run out of time and leave final questions unanswered. (1 point)

5. Have you noticed an improvement in your CARS scores with regular practice?

  • A) Yes, my scores have steadily improved over time. (3 points)
  • B) My scores improved slightly, but not as I expected them. (2 points)
  • C) Despite regular practice, my scores have not improved. (1 point)

6. When you get a CARS question wrong, do you:

  • A) Understand the reason behind it and learn from it. (3 points)
  • B) Understand but feel unsure about what went wrong. (2 points)
  • C) Feel confused about why the answer was incorrect. (1 point)


15-18 Points: Ready and Prepared

You’re doing strongly for CARS preparation, and your methods are working. Keep up the good work, but don’t get overconfident. Instead, continue refining and even further improving your approach.

10-14 Points: Solid Foundation, But Room for Improvement

You’re doing well, but you might need to slightly revise your approach in some areas. Consider targeted practice to address your weaknesses, and look for resources or support to help you break through it.

6-9 Points: In Need of Additional Support

It looks like you’re struggling with some key aspects of the CARS section. This might be a good time to consider more intensive study strategies or working with a tutor who can provide personalized guidance. Addressing these issues can significantly boost your confidence and, consequently scores.

Read More: Demystifying 5 Common MCAT CARS Strategies

The Benefits of a MCAT CARS Tutor

Working with a CARS tutor offers numerous advantages that can make a significant impact on your MCAT preparation and overall score. Here’s how you can benefit:

Personalized Feedback Tailored to Your Needs

  • Pinpointing exactly where you’re struggling by exploring your approach against different types of passages and question formats. 
  • Receive individualized attention and focus on your challenges in the CARS section.
  • Receive constant supervision and track improvements according to your individual plans.

Targeted Strategies for Success

  • Exploring multiple techniques to find methods that align with your learning style better.
  • Learning proven methods to improve time management, enhance critical reading skills, and approach complex passages with confidence.
  • Practice how to effectively eliminate wrong answers, making your decision-making process faster and more accurate.

Real-World Data: How Much Can Your CARS Score Improve?

  • Significant improvements in studying styles and preparation methods are evident after the first or second sessions with the tutors.
  • Significant improvements in CARS scores often include gaining 2-5 points within a few sessions after working with a tutor.

Accountability and Motivation: Staying on Track

  • Regular sessions with a tutor ensure that you stay on track with your study schedule.
  • Tutors provide consistent motivation and support and reduce your stress
  • A structured study plan guided by a tutor can make your prep more efficient.

Cost-Effectiveness: An Investment in Your Future

  • Tutoring financially costs. But that might be the best investment of your entire career.
  • Your MCAT’s CARS score increases your chances of admission to your top-choice medical schools.
  • Candidates with high CARS and overall MCAT scores have a better chance in receiving scholarships, funds, and financial aid.
  • Admission to your top-choice medical schools potentially opens doors for your future career path and opportunities resulting in your annual salary.

Read More: MCAT CARS TIPS: 10 Tips that have Helped my Students

How to Choose the Right CARS Tutor

Make sure you are dedicating sufficient effort to choose the right tutor and do not think of it as a waste of your time. Your tutor is going to explore your capabilities, monitor your progress, and personalize your approach towards your exam. It is important to have a real expert on your side all the way. Here’s what to consider:

What to Look For in a CARS Tutor:

Seek a tutor who is capable of providing personalized instruction, support, and guidance. A great tutor will help you develop strategies to tackle your weaknesses that align with your goals and learning style.

Jack Westin’s CARS tutoring is known for its unique ability to holistically identify deep reasons behind issues, break down complex concepts and creatively guide students to succeed.

Cost vs. Benefit: Is a Tutor Worth It?:

Consider the potential returns of your investment in a tutor. A high CARS score can significantly improve your chances of attending top medical schools. Jack Westin’s approach, which has helped students achieve scores like 128 on CARS, is a testament to the value of quality tutoring.

Trial Sessions: Test Before You Commit:

Before committing, take advantage of trial sessions and experience the tutor’s teaching style. Jack Westin offers trial sessions to provide a full experience of their interactive online classroom, helping you make an informed decision.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Choosing the right CARS tutor can pave the way for your MCAT preparation. Here, you can read more about the experiences of Jack Westin students on how impactful their approach can be.


Sarah’s experience with Jack Westin’s MCAT prep course was transformative. She praises Jack Westin as an exceptional tutor and a mentor who played a crucial role in her journey to medical school. 

Sehra believes with his guidance, she was accepted into a California medical school, and she credits his strategies for her MCAT success. She plans to apply these same strategies to her medical school board exams. Sarah strongly recommends Jack Westin’s course and his mentorship.

Percy’s Journey

Percy attempted two times and failed with a score of 498. But fortunately he found Jack Westin’s course, put his guidance into practice, and transformed his score to a remarkable 518. He appreciates Ack’s ability to simplify complex concepts and offer emotional support and its impact on his final results. Percy’s success underscores the power of a tailored, supportive learning environment.

Jeremy’s Improvement

Jeremy’s story is an example of trusting the tutoring process. After two attempts on the exam and little improvement, Jeremy enrolled in Jack Westin’s course, which evaluated his situation and provided him with personalized advice. His scores improved in all areas, especially CARS that he had struggled with the most. Jeremy also appreciated the continued support he received even after completing the course, including valuable medical school interview tips.

Ben’s Remarkable Progress

Ben started with an average MCAT score and struggled mostly with the CARS section. He eventually decided to try Jack Westin’s course. The course helped him increase his CARS score by 5 and total MCAT score by 14 points which placed him from average to the top 10% of applicants. Despite the fact that he was on a busy schedule at that time, achieving this success proved that the course helped him approach the exam from a different perspective and revise his studying strategies in a time-effective way.

These examples illustrate how Jack Westin’s CARS can improve your MCAT scores. Jack Westin’s proven methods and personalized support help you achieve the results you need for medical school admissions if you’re in a situation where you are struggling with consistency, confidence, or strategy.

See Also: Free MCAT CARS Passage by Jack Westin


You can get your hands on your expected CARS score but how? In this article, we have highlighted the importance of CARS for medical school admissions, the signs showing that you might need a tutor, and how CARS tutor can offer you guidance and assistance.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards mastering the CARS section, consider enrolling in Jack Westin’s MCAT CARS tutoring. Their proven methods and personalized support could be the key to your success. Take action today and transform your MCAT preparation.

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