Should I Retake the MCAT: 4 Ways to Improve Your MCAT Score in a Month

Should I Retake the MCAT: 4 Ways to Improve Your MCAT Score in a Month

After months of studying and preparing, you finally get your MCAT score. You scroll through your results only to find yourself disheartened by the number on your screen. While your score is not bad, it is not necessarily good either. You think to yourself, Should I retake the MCAT? If I decide to retake it, how do I improve my MCAT score in a month? Where should I get help to retake the MCAT?

Retaking the MCAT is a difficult choice. Are your extracurriculars, GPA, and average score enough to warrant an interview from medical schools across the country?

While there are many factors in choosing if you should retake the MCAT, there are numerous factors in approaching a study plan to improve your MCAT score in a month. 

Let us dive into the first part of the equation. 

Should I Retake the MCAT?

On average, 38 percent of all MCAT test takers retake the MCAT. It should be noted that there is no shame in retaking the MCAT. There are thousands of doctors who took the MCAT two and even three times. 

Here are a few factors you should consider if you are thinking about retaking the exam:

  1. Is your score good enough? Universities are transparent with their GPA and MCAT score cut off. It’s important to do your research and consider which universities would accept your current MCAT score and which universities will not. The AAMC provides students with their Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR), which can help you decide which universities you should consider with your current MCAT score. 
  2. Can you improve your score? Each student has their schedule, personal background, and struggles. While some students are considered “traditional,” studying and preparing for medical school during their undergraduate years, other students follow a “non-traditional” path. As you consider your options, it is important to note your current schedule. If you were to retake the exam, how would you prepare, and would a lower score hurt your chances? 

Should I Retake the MCAT: 4 Ways to Improve Your MCAT Score in a Month

Use Jack Westin’s MCAT Retake Calculator

If you are still unsure whether retaking the MCAT is right for you, use the Jack Westin MCAT Retake Calculator. This free tool can help you determine if your score is good enough to get into medical school and if not, which sections you should focus on to improve. 


How to Improve Your Score in One Month

Let us say you do decide to retake the MCAT. Here are a few strategies you can use to improve your MCAT score in one month of studying. 

AAMC recommends the average MCAT student spend 300-350 hours preparing for the MCAT in a few months. In reality, though, you may not have that much time. In that case, you may be able to gain the points you need by following a strict weekly plan that is optimized for your best performance. 

MCAT TIP: Get Help! You may think it is beneficial to study for the MCAT alone, but is it worth it? The most useful way to improve your MCAT score in one month is to partner with a well-qualified tutor. CLICK HERE to work with a Jack Westin Tutor today. 

Diagnose Your Problem Areas

It us easy to know your problem areas from an overarching perspective. You may have struggled with the science section of the MCAT. However, it is much more difficult to understand your weak areas on a granular level. 

Because of this difficulty, it is important to understand your weaknesses. Your true weaknesses. 

To understand your weak areas, we recommend taking the Jack Westin MCAT Diagnostic Test. This one exam will help you understand your specific weaknesses, from Fluid Dynamics to DNA replication. The results of the Jack Westin MCAT Diagnostic Exam connect to your MCAT analytics, which will track your overall performance and improvement over time. 

Practice with AAMC Materials

Before your new test date, it is important to familiarize yourself with AAMC material, specifically the four AAMC full-length practice exams. Each test should be taken simulating a test day environment, meaning you do not want any distractions. 

While taking the AAMC full-length exams are meaningful, reviewing your answers yields the greatest impact on your MCAT score. 

MCAT TIP: The AAMC’s solutions are notoriously confusing, which is why we at Jack Westin developed our own AAMC Solutions Chrome Extension. This extension will review all of the AAMC solutions and provide in-depth answers to the practice exam’s most complex problems. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE EXTENSION

Taking Breaks Help Learning

It is natural to feel anxious about the MCAT and feel overwhelmed about not having enough time. If you feel anxious, take a break to avoid burnout. On the test day, you might feel like you haven’t done enough. Pause, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have done everything you could. This is a familiar feeling for everyone, and you will gradually feel calmer when you start the test and focus.

Improving your MCAT score in a month requires an intensive, well-structured study guide to help you focus on the important parts of a study plan without losing precious time. Let’s review the most critical aspects of a practical study guide.

Should I Retake the MCAT: How to Improve Your MCAT Score in a Month

A Sample One Month Study Guide

Start by taking a practice test or set of questions covering all the topics from the MCAT to familiarize yourself with the exam. It is a good idea to assess your primary performance using tools like Jack Westin’s Diagnostic Tool to identify your areas of weakness and strength. 

Use your first test results to determine which content areas you need to work on. For example, suppose you have done well in all aspects of molecular biology. If so, you may have to read those articles briefly and then spend more time on topics you did not do well on. 

Designate one full day for Biochemistry, Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and Behavioral Science. Make sure to cover the following subjects:

  • Biochemistry: amino acids: proteins; enzymes and lipids
  • Biology: biology; reproduction; embryogenesis and development; genetics and evolution
  • General Chemistry: atomic and molecular structure; periodic table and time styles; interaction and chemical interactions; stoichiometry
  • Organic Chemistry: nomenclature; stereochemistry; to combine
  • Physics: basic mathematics and dimensional analysis; kinematics; power, power, and function
  • Behavioral Science: the basis of ethical biology; hearing and sight; reading and memory; comprehension, knowledge, and language

To familiarize yourself with the test, use the AAMC Sample Questions and Categories and select the subjects based on the content areas you have reviewed.

In addition, read the critical analysis and consultation section (CARS) daily. Use the AAMC Sample Questionnaire and Paragraphs to read the passages and work on the role-related questions. 

Take a full-length test at the end of the week. Consider simulating the actual conditions of the test day. 

The Easiest Way to Improve Your Score

Improving your MCAT score in one month is certainly a tall order. But it can be done. The key to improvement is sticking to a quality plan, focusing on your weaknesses, and reviewing AAMC material. 

However, if you are looking to improve your MCAT score in one month, partnering with the right tutor is the easiest way to improve. At Jack Westin, our tutors not only understand the MCAT, they understand how to improve your score quickly. To partner with a Jack Westin MCAT tutor today, CLICK HERE

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